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Club Constitution

Constitution Rules


Revised 2013


A copy of the Constitution is available on the web-site and will be displayed on the club notice-board. Paper copies will be available on request from the secretary.



1. The Club will be called Tavistock Photography Club

2. The Constitution will be equally binding on all members.

3. The Club’s season will usually run from September to June.

4. A programme of meetings will be published on the website prior to the start of each season.

5. The committee will have the power to alter the date and venue of meetings, as necessary, as well as having the ability to arrange outings and extra meetings.



1. The aim of the club is to provide a meeting place where members can be stimulated in the art of photography.

2. The club will arrange a programme that will stimulate and encourage members to advance and develop their photographic knowledge and skills, artistically and technically.

3. The club will present talks by professional or highly experienced amateur photographers and hold workshops and competitions for members. Presentations by guest speakers will be advertised and open to the general public. Opportunities may be provided for members to exhibit their work within the local community and further afield.




1. Membership will be open to anyone aged sixteen years and older.

2. A member is a person who has paid an annual subscription for the current season or one who has been awarded free membership, by the Club, in recognition for services to the Club.


3. Classes of membership:

Full Membership: Individuals 18 and over

Joint Membership: Individual and Spouse or Partner living at the same address

Young Person's Membership: 16 and 17 year olds

Honorary Life Member: to be granted to any person who, in the opinion of the Committee, has rendered outstanding service to the club and duly voted for, by at least 75% of the membership attending the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Visitors may attend 2 meetings before they need to commit to full membership. General public admission/non-membership fees apply at guest speaker meetings. 

4. All members will have one vote at AGMs and EGMs.

5. A member whose subscription is in arrears after October will not be eligible to enter any competition or exhibition sponsored by the Club, until no longer in default.

6. Communications will be forwarded to members by email unless other means have been requested and agreed with the secretary.

7. Members must notify the membership secretary of changes to contact details otherwise all notices and communications sent to the old address will be held as duly delivered.

8. The club may refuse or revoke membership if a member’s conduct or behaviour is likely to bring the club into disrepute. Any complaint about procedure or a member’s behaviour should be put in writing (letter or email) to the committee via the secretary. Appeal against the refusal or removal of an applicant/member may be made to the members at an EGM.





1. A Committee of not less than 8 members will manage club affairs and will be elected at the AGM

2. Members of the committee will include:

Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer

Other posts will be shared by the remaining committee members

Website Manager

Membership Secretary

Competition Secretary

Equipment and Publicity Secretary

Programme Secretary

3. The quorum for the committee will be 5

4. Committee meetings will be convened by the Chair or, exceptionally, by three members of the committee

5. There will be at least four committee meetings each year.

6. The Chair will have the casting vote when necessary.

7. The committee may co-opt members onto the committee.

8. Sub-committees may be formed by resolution of the committee to run specific functions of the Club.

9. All committee members must retire annually but are eligible for re-election under the terms stated.

10. A member may serve as Chair for no more than three consecutive years.

11. Other committee members will not serve in the same capacity for more than three consecutive years but if there are no challengers for a particular post then the outgoing member can serve up to a further three years if duly elected.

12. The committee should ensure that suitable nominations for Chair and Officers are included in the notice for the Annual General Meeting.

13. Members can give nominations for the committee (proposed and seconded) to the secretary, fourteen days before the AGM.




1. The AGM will be held at the end of the season. The quorum for the AGM will be 20% of the membership.

2. Members may propose motions for the agenda. These must be given (proposed and seconded) to the secretary, at least 14 days before the AGM.

3. A member who is unable to attend will be allowed a proxy vote. This intention must be conveyed in writing to the secretary prior to the meeting.

4. Minutes of the previous AGM and the agenda will be circulated prior to the meeting by email and will be displayed on the noticeboard prior to the AGM.

5. The Committee will submit reports for the previous year.

6. The Treasurer will provide an audited statement of accounts.

7. Members will approve the appointment of the auditor.




1. Annual subscriptions and other payments will be set by the Committee and agreed by members at the AGM.

2. All cheques in payment of Club accounts will be signed by any two of the following: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, 2 nominated committee members.

3. A financial reserve should be held to maintain the Club’s continuity for a minimum period of two years, in the event of fluctuations in membership numbers and subscription income.

4. The Club’s financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March.




An EGM may be called by the committee or by not less than five members of the Club. A quorum will be 20% of the members. The committee will fix a date, which is no later than three months from the date of receiving a valid request. A request for an EGM will not be accepted unless given to the Secretary and signed by two members of the Club as proposer and seconder. All members will be informed of the EGM and will be sent a copy of the motion(s) 28 days prior to the proposed meeting. No other business may be transacted at an EGM.




The Constitution may be amended at an AGM or EGM and the motion(s) there presented will require a two-thirds majority to be carried.




1. The decision to wind up the Club may only be taken when the funds of the Club are insufficient for the Club to run properly or if there is an insufficient number of members willing to serve as officers of the Club. This decision may only be taken at an AGM or EGM. In the absence of a quorum at such a meeting, a motion signed by 10 members or 10% 0f the membership, whichever is the greater, will constitute the same decision.

2. After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Tavistock Photography Club, the remaining assets will be given or transferred to a voluntary organisation having similar objectives to those of the Club eg: a Photographic Federation or Club.


As amended following AGM on 11th June 2014

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