The Week Inbetween Team Sessions
Our LAST workshop of this season was on Wednesday 17th April 2024
Birds and Wildlife by Max Law
This new venture is for club members to share their skills and knowledge with each other in an informal way. It is essentially based on workshops for the members, by the members. There is a core group of 4 members who organise the meetings, and these meetings take place in the hall on Wednesday evenings, on weeks in between the formal programme.
There is a nominal charge of £3 for each member to attend, to cover the cost of hall hire.
The TWITS meeting was on Wednesday 1st November at 7.30pm and the workshop was targeted at sharing Adobe Photoshop skills, specifically uploading, basic edits including use of layers, and saving the edit.
It is our intention to continue to hold and develop these sessions as long as there is a demand.
by Chris Harvey 21st February 2024
Excellent practical session on how to do your own InfraRed photography
Follow the instructions in a full page presentation
by clicking the PDF double arrow below
November Workshop on how to set up your camera by Steve Morris.
To view PDF, click on the double arrows to start the presentation